I can imagine my mother loving Logan’s Market on St. Catherine Street: the bustle, food, gifts, food, jostle of vibrant shoppers, food— I can see her inspecting a crimson beaded necklace from Colombia and hungering for a cinnamon roll, forbidden by diabetes. Now she is buried in Cave Hill surrounded by the vibrancy of cardinals […]
Whitney Vale
Whitney Vale, MFA Creative Nonfiction from Ashland University. Poetry includes the chapbook, Journey with the Ferryman (Finishing Line Press) and poems in Gyroscope Review: The Crone Issue, Harpy Hybrid Review, Prospectus: A Literary Offering, Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, Quartet, RockPaperPoem, The Crab Creek Review, Anti Heroin Chic. Prose can be found in The Palisades Review, and the anthologies Awakenings (ELJ Editions,) and The 2023 Writer’s Block Anthology (Hydra Publications.) She has been a finalist for the Joy Harjo award, Barry Lopez award, and Minerva Rising’s memoir award.