
Crisp cotton behind me, warm wooliness above, our legs braided: a German love spoon. Our single piece twists to touch, caress and curve, to disappear the spaces between us. Next we’re castanets, concave shells joined, palms full, fingers bent, percussive rotation, moving rapidly in frenzied desire. No tablature nor clef, just energetic vibrato: making sheet […]

New Zealand Sister

Almost antipodean, in diametric movement along disjoint    meridians, wearced and swiveled, twisted and coiled, slowly spinning until    life’s voyages conjoined. Now our worlds rotate harmonically together as whānau: extended     family, sisters bound bygenerosity, kindness, appreciation for each other and the     natural world. As pohutukawa bloom, she honors me with pounamu, prized stone    of Maori chiefs,fashioned as koru, the […]


I. Having feared water all her life, my mother now floats between life and death. Japanese Buddhists embrace Misuko: humanity infusing a newborn drop by drop until the child is whole at seven. My mother’s oozing, losing humanity drop by drop, mirroring our mortality. She seems stuck, dying more each day, in my mind each […]