For Deborah Digges The poet who hurled herself off the stadium at Tufts was happy once— bounding into class with her Walkman singing. She’d tell me how the woods behind her home in Amherst would glow with orange at sunrise and how her mother was once a Rockette. There’s so much to not remember when […]
Stacie M. Kiner
Stacie M. Kiner is a former fellow at the Vermont Studio Center and Hannah Kahn Memorial Award recipient. Her poems have been published in Calyx, The Charlotte Poetry Review, Madison Review, Comstock Review, Meridian Anthology of Contemporary Poetry, Apalachee Quarterly, The Ekphrastic Review, Lavender Review, Panoply, Rhino, The Southeast Review, SWWIM, Chameleon Chimera, An Anthology of Florida Poets and, Finishing Line Press–the chapbook, Inventory. Stacie is the former moderator of a poetry talk show in Miami, a retired librarian, Essays Editor for the South Florida Poetry Journal and an urban gardener. She lives in South Florida with her wife and too many tomato plants.