for John We thought we were in deep woods where no one would find the newspapers we’d dumped rather than delivered, and instead rode our 3-speeds to the convenience for popsicles. But we were kids, and the papers were only 10 feet from the path, so our parents spotted them and called out our shame. […]
Sara Eddy
Sara Eddy’s full-length collection, Ordinary Fissures, was released by Kelsay Books in May 2024. She is also the author of two chapbooks (Tell the Bees, A3 Press, 2019, and Full Mouth, Finishing Line Press, 2020), and her poems have appeared in many online and print journals, including Threepenny Review, Raleigh Review, Sky Island, and Baltimore Review, among others. She lives in Amherst, Massachusetts, in a house built by Emily Dickinson’s cousin.