The waiter serves you a child on a plate— A tiny thing, spilling insides bright as berries. She is dead, of course she is dead, But you eat her anyway To savor that mouth-twisting sourness, That doughy skin so sweet As to sting the roots of your molars. You pause your chewing, waiting for the […]
Karina Jha
Karina Jha is a Ukrainian-Nepalese literary enthusiast from Northampton, Massachusetts. She is currently working toward a BA in Writing, Literature, and Publishing at Emerson College in Boston. Her work is centered around exploring themes of femininity, multi-cultural identity, and the melding of fantasy and reality. She has won multiple awards for poetry, short story, and flash fiction, and has been published in several literary magazines, and by Wilde Press at Emerson College. To see more of her work, visit