In this paradise of fugitive dust, there’s nothing wrong. There will be years when the sky flattens to a backdrop, a sound stage. There will be years when you’ll swear your body moves of its own volition, foreign to you as another man’s watch. If you wake up in a bed you don’t remember lying […]
Kamal E. Kimball
Kamal E. Kimball is an Ohio poet. On the editorial team for Muzzle Magazine, her work has been published or is forthcoming in Crazyhorse, Colorado Review, New South, Sweet, Salamander, Phoebe, Hobart, Juked, Cloudbank, Forklift Ohio, and elsewhere. Her chapbook, The Mouth That Sucks the Bone, is forthcoming with Pitymilk Press in 2022. She holds an MFA from The Ohio State University and currently works as a grant writer and poetry instructor. Find her at kamal_e_kimball on IG, @kamalkimball on Twitter, and at