The spreading started with your bloodless toe, turning black. It was your leg, I thought. They cut it off and threw it in the trash. Leg gone, your soul concentrates in your residuum while you sling a dun limb along a crooked phantom, its toes every which way. Yet it is my soul, spreading thin […]
Elisabeth Preston-Hsu
Elisabeth Preston-Hsu is a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician in clinical practice in Atlanta, Georgia. Her writing has appeared or will appear in Dillydoun Review, Bellevue Literary Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, North American Review, and others. Most recently, she was a finalist in New Letters’ Robert Day Award for Fiction in 2021. She was a runner-up in North American Review’s Hearst Poetry Prize 2022, judged by Natalie Diaz. Find her on Instagram @writers.eatery.