Donna Vorreyer
Donna Vorreyer is the author of Unrivered (forthcoming, 2025), To Everything There Is (2020), Every Love Story is an Apocalypse Story (2016) and A House of Many Windows (2013), all from Sundress Publications. Her poetry, fiction, and essay work have appeared in Ploughshares, Cherry Tree, Poet Lore, Salamander, Harpur Palate, Booth, and elsewhere. She lives and creates in the Chicago area and hosts the monthly online reading series A Hundred Pitchers of Honey.
Under The Bridge
Will It Go Round
Omens from Patterns Created by Oil Dropped in Water
British Museum # 22447 Clay tablet; Old Babylonian. Omens from divination by oil and water, 1900BC-1600BC Oil and water do not mix. This is a scientific fact, but also an adage used to illustrate that two things without the right chemistry will never truly bond, one completely connected to the other. Consider a vinaigrette. The […]
The Astronomy of Losing
for my brothers Three moons revolving around dying planets, we spun unmoored at the same rate, each showing only one face in our synchronous rotations, hiding our dark sides from view. We locked into the tides of each labored breath, each confused diatribe, were illuminated not by the sun but by hospital fluorescents and dim […]