I It is Ordered: . That Charmaine Arjoonlal be and is hereby adopted as the child of Dawson Kingdom Lloyd Gilmour and Dorothy Margaret Gilmour. That the name of the child shall be Charmaine Lynn Gilmour. II I should have been born Da Silva but my birth father said I wasn’t his […]
Charmaine Arjoonlal
Charmaine Arjoonlal is a writer and social worker and mother to Ben. She lives with her husband and two spoiled dogs in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. Her writing has appeared in Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Last Stanza Poetry Journal, Pinhole Poetry, Field Guide Poetry Magazine and elsewhere. You can find Charmaine on x/twitter @arjoonlal on Instagram @charmainearjoonlal or visit her website charmainearjoonlal.wordpress.com.