How to Teach English Composition at a Community College Near Minneapolis, or How I Teach English Composition at a Community College Near Minneapolis, or How I Imagine I Teach English Composition at a Community College Near Minneapolis, or How I Dream I Teach English Composition at a Community College Near Minneapolis

Imagine that your grandmother is in the back row, knitting sweaters for each of the students whose own grandmothers have blinked out of this world, and I say this even though my own grandmothers have blinked out of this world and never touched a knitting needle except in those moments they spent on the floor […]

A Simple Question of Measurement

The rule is simple: to collect maple sap it must be below freezing at night, above by day. Go in only so deep— measure twice, drill once; this could be our refrain to keep from killing the trees. I’m careful, hold my cold palms against the bark, pretend I can feel the maple’s heart while […]

Head-On Collision

Sometimes you arrive at the party too late, and everyone already packed up, kissed cheeks goodbye, vanished into tomorrow, and you have only begun to disappear. Sometimes you swallow the entire existence of earth, billions of years to digest, and the dinosaurs look like eels from this distance, small wriggly things. Sometimes you paint the […]