In war time, you marry a man who is tall and stalwart. You marry a man with a sullen smirk. You don’t marry a soldier; you marry a partisan. One of the rebels, a hard-core. And for a few days every now and then, life is interesting. Aussie is your husband and he is also […]
Allison Whittenberg
Allison Whittenberg's novels are Sweet Thang, Hollywood and Maine, Life is Fine, Tutored (Random House 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2010). Her work has appeared in Flying Island, Feminist Studies, Inconclast, and The Ekphrastic Review. She is the author of the full-length short story collection, Carnival of Reality (Loyola University Press, 2022). Whittenberg is a six-time Pushcart Prize nominee.