Spaniels swim. Spooked geese fly. The river flows. Under the full moon’s eye, the river flows. Love breaks down like rotting fruit. The Mountain Goats sing, I hope you die. The river flows, yellow with chemicals. On its bank, kids play. My daughter asks why the river flows. Dreams offer reversals—the air clean, Mom alive. […]
Alison Stone
Alison Stone is the author of nine full-length collections, Informed (NYQ Books, 2024), To See What Rises (CW Books, 2023), Zombies at the Disco (Jacar Press, 2020), Caught in the Myth (NYQ Books, 2019), Dazzle (Jacar Press, 2017), Masterplan, a book of collaborative poems with Eric Greinke (Presa Press, 2018), Ordinary Magic, (NYQ Books, 2016), Dangerous Enough (Presa Press 2014), and They Sing at Midnight, which won the 2003 Many Mountains Moving Poetry Award; as well as three chapbooks. Her poems have appeared in The Paris Review, Poetry, Ploughshares, Barrow Street, Poet Lore, and many other journals and anthologies. She has been awarded Poetry’s Frederick Bock Prize, New York Quarterly’s Madeline Sadin Award, and The Lyric’s Lyric Poetry Prize. She was Writer in Residence at LitSpace St. Pete. She is also a painter and the creator of The Stone Tarot. A licensed psychotherapist, she has private practices in NYC and Nyack. Youtube and TikTok – Alison Stone Poetry.
Henri Rousseau’s The Dream
The naked woman’s pointing, but toward what? Does she covet an otherworldly flower, larger than her head, and is telling the round-eyed, pettable-looking lioness to fetch? Serenely, a dark figure in a striped skirt plays a tune. Some kind of orange fruit hangs, round as moons. No one asks who moved a couch into the […]