Vol. 7 No. 3

Winter 2024

Unnamed 5
Editor's Note
Into Stillness
Naked Parrot
tongue and cheek
Southern Cross
What I Learned Tending the Garden
Southern Cross II
At the edge
Sea Grape
Father is A Ghost
My Life as a Painting by Vermeer
Cordillera de los Cóndores
The Blue Ribbon
Invincible, We Thought
The Weight of You
China Patterns
Unnamed 1
Curiosity’s End
Near and Farther Suns
Unnamed 2
Dead Letters
Feeding the Dying
Unnamed 3
Museum of Light
August 27, 2017
Unnamed 4
Neither the One Who Plants
Go With the Flow
After the Fireworks
Image 4
Find Me in the Whirlwind
Under The Bridge
On the Road to Oruro, 1995
White Terror
Unsent Letters
Walking on Moss, Iceland
Adrift with JM
Better Left Unsaid
When the Crossword Answer Was Grapes but All I Could Think of Was Graves
Not For the Faint of Heart
Better Left Unsaid
How to Teach English Composition at a Community College Near Minneapolis, or How I Teach English Composition at a Community College Near Minneapolis, or How I Imagine I Teach English Composition at a Community College Near Minneapolis, or How I Dream I Teach English Composition at a Community College Near Minneapolis
All There Is To Know
Better Left Unsaid
The Nettles
I Have My Mother’s Thighs, and Other Things
Neil Diamond, Denim Moon
Tinctures and Tonics
Forgotten Headstones
Your New Place
The Concrete Patio
On the Block
Nurses Trying
Once my Mother Cut my Hair in the Kitchen
First Tracks
Colors Passing on By
Do Not Be Afraid to Look into the Light
Dear Bone Mother
Elegy for the Renaming
Sad Face Daddy
I Will Leave You With This

When the Crossword Answer Was Grapes but All I Could Think of Was Graves 

Nobody told me that my daughters would hunger for blueberries, fresh shrimp, spaghetti carbonara with all the cream: all the eggs: all the bacon: all the freshest parmesan. My single mom budget, the budget of boxed Mac-n-Cheese: Chef Boyardee: 3-for-a-dollar Ramen: the generic brand of Pop-Tarts, unfrosted. Nobody told me that they would sneak out of their rooms at night to meet friends in our small-town cemetery: ignore the nightly curfew siren. Write their names in wet cement: run from cops like feral animals with no remorse. Nobody told me that they would refuse to wear what had been passed down. Refuse to clean out the dirty dishes from beneath their beds: unapologetic in the face of a small symphony of mold that emerged from the cereal milk: attached its tempo to the only scarf I ever knit by hand. That they would sneak into the basement: spray paint a pentagram to summon demons in exchange for enough money to buy the sparkly purple Doc Martens. My God:  how they burned down everything. Burned it down & rescued me from the fire. Carried me on their angry shoulders to show me my power: refused to let me swallow another drop of man-made pain. Unafraid to stand at the edge of their own graves: knowing that love is dangerous/love is untamed.
