Cherry Blossoms

Maria Tosti is an Italian poet and artist from Perugia. Her passions are writing, photography and drawing. She is a video maker too. Her literary debut was with the multilingual poetry book “Voci ai confini dell’anima” – “Voices to the Bounderies of the Soul” – published by Thoth Editions/Mario Vallone in the year 2014 with poems in Italian, English, French and Spanish, in various literary genres. One of her haiku was set to music by master Paolo Scatena. Many of her literary and artistic works have appeared in various national and international literary journals, magazines, blogs, websites and anthologies: China, India, Canada, USA, Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, New Zealand, Ireland, Australia, Wales, Argentina, Romania, Switzerland. She has also written the text of some songs in Italian, two of them have been set to music, one by the Italian composer Pasqualino Moscatelli, and the other by the master Daniel Cianelli.