Vol. 7 No. 2

Fall 2024

Aperture 4
Editor's Note
My Pointe Shoes and Journals Shared a Box Under My Bed
The White Light of Universal Upload, Etc., Etc.,
A Portrait of the Patient with Anxiety and Cheshire Cat Grin
Aperture 1
Changing the daisies
Accidental Poetry
Rotaried Darkness
Tocolytic Haze
Le temps [Time]
The Disinfectant Girl
Mimosa Pudica
Le temps [Time]
We tore out the garden
Love Sponge
La natura non ha fretta (eppure tutto si realizza) [Nature is in no rush (and yet everything gets done)]
La natura non ha fretta (eppure tutto si realizza) [Nature is in no rush (and yet everything gets done)]
Ode to My Brand-Name Birth Control
Incessant Spring Rain
On My Birthday
Degrees of Separation
Loves Me Some Pizza
A May Morning
The Refugee Camp
When The Spring Sun Shines
Autobiography of Black and White
The Fourth Dimension
Echoes of Elders I
Bedside Manner
What I Fear to Discover
We Use Acetone to Clean Beakers as If We Still Prize Purity
Echoes of Elders II
River Song 2
What Otherwise You Might Forget
Flying Lessons
Echoes of Elders III
Who Were You in a Dream?
Roxbury, 1968
Pain is a Dagger Burning into my Heart
To a Departed Pekingese
My Daughter, the Volcano
The Apartment, In Its Resting State
Day of the Goose
Orchid Shadows
When the Girl with the Golden Ball rejects young Ewan McGregor’s praise
Pose of Glances
The sky as we (don’t) know it
The Dustrunners
Changed Landscape
Cherry Blossoms
Zephyr Sighs
Little Criminals
In August
The Tree of Life
Glyph Aubade
prayer, it might be called

Pain is a Dagger Burning into my Heart

To bear a child means to carry an egg on a finger or
to nurture a seed in the desert.
My mother is at one corner of the labor room, beating
on her breast, in a faint voice, somewhere at the state’s
specialist hospital, dampened, going fallow like the last
portion of spilled tea. The tulip in her eye is losing it’s glow
along with the alluring scent. For the past nine months, she
had nurtured the unborn child, rummaging the twine that binds
them together. I wish I never wished for a sibling, guilt is sitting
beside me, like silent thunder. Can I say the same for my father?
because this pain is a dagger, burning into my heart and to think,
that when she is about to bear this child, her life and the child’s were
hanging on a weak weft—mother struggling to stay alive and her child
fighting between a murky vale and a pristine world. “to be a man
          would be easier”;
that was what another woman said at one corner of the labor room—
after the light in my mother’s eyes traveled into darkness.
