On the landscape of my body,
an island in the warm sea
within white porcelain cliffs, they lived,
plastic horses, the duck attached
to her ducklings by plastic grass,
the plodding donkey, a chicken,
the collie dog which laughed
its plastic laugh in fragrant air.
Pale mountains disappeared,
then reemerged, steaming,
while outside the window
in another world, snow fell.
Something Lost

Linda Scheller is the author of two books of poetry, Wind & Children (Main Street Rag, 2022) and Fierce Light (FutureCycle Press, 2017). Her poetry, plays, and book reviews are widely published with new work forthcoming in Colorado Review, Poem, The Museum of Americana, and Colossus: Body. Recent honors include Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominations. Ms. Scheller serves on the board of Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center and programs for KCBP Community Radio. Her website is lindascheller.com.