I shouldn’t be the one to tell you this but girls here shave their legs and pits. That’s all I’m gonna say about that. If you wanna know about how girls here get those nice calves with toned muscles, I can show you some stair exercises. There’s also a certain type of running shoe they wear to make their calves look like that. No, not Nike. They don’t look as good on women and they’re more expensive. I got my Air Jordans last year for like a hundred bucks. Don’t go telling Ba and Ma now. They don’t need to know everything. They call that need-to-know here. You’ll pick up these things. Plus, I wear my Air Jordans a lot. There are guys here who have a pair of shoes for walking, another pair for jogging, and several pairs for playing sports, one for each sport they play. Speaking of which, my buddy’s coming over to shoot some hoops. Yeah, the Jewish one. I met him in math on my first day here and we sort of became friends. I joke that he’s my Jewish brother. The two cultures are very similar. Both Chinese and Jewish people are smart and cheap! No, he’s not born there. He’s born here. His parents were born here. I’ve had meals in their house. I went to the synagogue with them once. I call his grandmother Bubba. No, he doesn’t have a girlfriend. He has a sister. She’s younger, too, maybe a year younger than you. She’s on the swim team. I shouldn’t be the one to tell you this but girls here use tampons.
Legs and Pits

Tiffany Hsieh was born in Taiwan and moved to Canada at the age of fourteen. Her fiction and poetry have appeared or are forthcoming in Juked, the Malahat Review, Passages North, and elsewhere. Her work has been nominated for Best Microfiction and Best Small Fictions. She lives in southern Ontario.