
If lab rats ran the labyrinth of reality sidestepping the cheese and the mirrors, reward-based testing—if these rats escaped to the world outside, opened their eyes to sewers, starvation, murder, cat-lurching— when would lab rats return to their homes return home to dissection and more tests    god, always more tests    or would lab rats find their cat world commendable, their world full of newness no needles no lab—then, what would they think when some boy with no parents no home no parents at home or two parents or one—but no sense of justice or too much taste for justice or strict black-and-white coding or no coding at all—what would rats think when he pulls off their tails or ties them together calls himself king and do rats even think, and have we ever asked them—have we asked one another in our labs, in our homes—and isn’t it fate, those born for dissection, those born to be analyzed, bred to be cut—and isn’t it funny, cats think the same way! as they tooth-and-nail Fate, fleeing lab rats,

