I’m in a daze floating above reality not alive, not dead, but somewhere in-between— this hazy stage of nothing. Words, they drone around me peripherals blur indistinguishable, no awareness of limbs focus—too hard—on the heaviness of my eye lids, the drawl of my breath, this soft coolness on the back of my neck— What did you say? Are you real? Because nothing around me feels like anything— yet we collide like a feather brushing a cheek, strangers bumping shoulders, like an explosion of a star, light years away from life— we are bound. I’m not anything, but you are. We blend together, our entities, but—your cheeks, they’ve dulled— You’ve got my nothing.
The Big Bang

Sarah Karowski is a twenty-five-year-old writer and poet. She has a bachelor’s degree in creative writing from the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, and she currently resides with her fiancé and dog in Tallahassee, Florida. for Sarah, writing is an exploration of what it means to be human. Her words try their best to speak of human truths and to sorrow, fear, and the naïve, unwavering belief that the world is good—inherently good, and it’s important to recognize that. Her work has been featured on Mad Swirl and Same. You can find her on all social media platforms as @ladysarahwrites.