reggie tells a story about a girl he knew for two weeks at a petco says they got real close one night she stuck her tongue deep into his mouth swirled it softly & his legs got weak i tell him about thursday night at the villa how my lips against yours made my body feel like a sun rising above a city your exhale becoming my inhale warmth expanded & alive again he says bullshit says he doesn’t believe that i had actually kissed you & that’s okay i tell him that i don’t believe his story either
kiss & tell

When not traveling on highways all across America, Victor Clevenger spends his days in a madhouse and his nights writing poetry. He lives with his second ex-wife, and together they raise six children in a small town northeast of Kansas City, Missouri. His work has appeared in magazines and journals around the world and in a variety of places online. In 2017, he was nominated for the Best of the Net anthology as well as the Pushcart Prize. His most recent published collections include a split book with Tom Farris titled, Ginger Roots Are Best Taken Orally (EMP, 2018), and A Finger in the Hornets’ Nest (Red Flag Press, 2018).